Life as define by biologists is the function of all living things, while the creator of life gives it as a gift. life can be viewed in different forms depending on the way it turns to each one.
life is a concept on its own that cannot be over emphasized, with this lets look briefly at what life entails.
life is not a matter of chance its a matter of choice is not a thing to be waited for its to be lived, therefore dont wait for the life you so desire to come but with the one you have live it to the fullest, once asked one question some time ago that why do hot dogs come in packages of 10 and hot dog buns come in packages of 8? with that question possed to alot of people, only few could answer that question. if you to cant answer the question, then you need to work towards reaching the state of enlightenment for you to understand life in full. life doesn't always go as planned so which ever one you have live it to the best of your capacity and impact life with it. Life or success is not measured by what you acquire in this life but by the the number of life you were able to impact. you have some hidden treasures in you that are waiting to exploit because the earnest expectation of the world is just for your manifestation.
Your coming to this world is not to come for coming sake and go and be like a snake that passed on the rock without making an impact, but you are sent to occupy a position and to comprehend something, discover that thing and you will find out you can never be ignored......stay tuned for more. With love from you man DIVINE. beautifying your life with designs