Tuesday 7 January 2014


DECISION 2#: #DECISION TO EXCEL IN YOUR PRESENT ASSIGNMENT. Everything created solves a problem My eyes see, My ears hear, My mouth speaks, My mind thinks, My hand reach, My feet walk, Lawyers solve legal problems, Mothers solve emotional problems, Preachers solve spiritual problems. The fact that you are alive is a proof that God saw a problem nobody else could solve except you, That is your Assignment. Your Assignment is always the problem God has designed you to solve for others. Some facts about your assignments: You do not choose it You recognize it You do not decide who you are You discern who HE MADE YOU Turtles don’t talk, Trees don’t fly Your Assignment is not your decision but your discovery. Design reveals purpose, what you hate is a clue to your assignment. Why did Moses became angry when saw an Israelite physically beaten by an Egyptian? Because Moses was a deliverer. Love is a path and a clue to a hidden gift, what do you love to think about, learn about? Pay attention to what you love because what you love is a clue to your assignment, the proof of love is the investment of time, what grieves you is a clue to your assignment, what makes you weep is a clue to something God wants you to change and heal. MAKE YOUR ASSIGNMENT YOUR OBSESSION Your assignment must become your obsession; you will only have significant success in something that is an obsession, you will only succeed in the center of your assignment, it is very much possible for a sinner to be at the center of his assignment and it is also possible for a Christian to fail at recognizing his or her own assignment. 10 FACTS ABOUT YOUR ASSIGNMENT 1. Everything created solves a problem 2. Your assignment is always the problem god has designed you to solve for others 3. Your assignment is not your decision but your discovery 4. The proof of love is the investment of time 5. You will only have significant success in something that is an obsession 6. God made places before he made people 7. Go where you are celebrated not where you are tolerated 8. Divine provision is only guaranteed at the place of your assignment 9. Money is waiting for you………..at the place of your assignment 10. Your assignment is a place of divine reward. Stay tuned for decision 3# love you all. For your complains, enquires, and articles email Divine Concept at divinefaith26@gmail.com.......7A9C5A17